SEAI Grants

Solar PV Grants


The Solar PV Scheme is a once-off grant towards the purchase and installation of your solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and/or a battery energy storage system for your home.

The scheme is administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Giving you the opportunity to become green, energy independent and save money. 

In order to receive a SEAI grant you need to apply before proceeding with installation. See the Solar PV Grant Application Guide (PDF) for more information on the application process, inspections, insurances,grant limits and contracts.

Your Power Is Our Priority.


SEAI Grants


€800 per kWp Up to 2kWp.

You will receive €1,600 for 2kWp solar panels.

€250 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp.

For 3kWp: You will receive €1,850 for 3kWp solar panels.

Turn your home into a renewable power station! Now SEAI offers homeowners a grant of up to €2,100 to support the installation of Solar PV panels. This will reduce the electricity you currently purchase from your supplier and save you money.

Support is available to all owners of dwellings built and occupied by the end of 2020.

The grant is available for all new Solar PV installations.
For 4kWp: You will receive €2100 for 4kWp solar panels.

Accelerated Capital Allowances

The ACA is a tax incentive for companies paying corporation tax and aims to encourage investment in energy efficient equipment. The purpose of the ACA scheme is to encourage businesses to purchase plant and machinery that are highly energy efficient and thus make significant savings on energy costs and reduce carbon emissions. The ACA offers an attractive incentive whereby it allows companies to write off 100% of the purchase value of qualifying energy efficient equipment against their profit in the year of purchase. Solar PV qualifies for the ACA scheme, this is an attractive investment as it offers significant savings on your electricity bill while the cost of purchase has been written off your tax bill.

Clean Energy Solar PV panels are suitable for all types of installations


Clean Energy Solar PV Panels are suitable for commercial applications, new and existing dwellings. We design them based on a customer’s budget, electricity needs, size/shape and a PV system of orientation of panel space.

In a typical 3 bed house (using 3290 k 1.5 – 2 kWp (about 12 to 15m2) could provide 50% of your annual electricity requirements. We provide installation services for: Existing houses, New developments, Bars & restaurants, Commercial buildings, Dairy farms, Pig & poultry farms, Shops & stores, Warehouses.

Clean Energy Solar examines your energy consumptions and proposes a system to meet a percentage of that demand.

Solar PV Modules are mounted on the best available roof space. (Special brackets can be installed for ground mounting.

The solar inverter (converts DC voltage to AC voltage) is connected to the main distribution board for better power supply.

When the Solar PV Panels are producing more electricity than you use, the surplus is fed back to the grid or sent to an immersion/heater.

At times of higher demand the shortfall is made up by power drawn from the grid.