Our Sales Process

Your Power Is Our Priority

Getting a Solar PV system

There are few steps you should know to Go Solar with us.

Guided Pricing
Site Visit
Confirmed Pricing
Go Ahead
Grant Application
Payment on Completion
Grant Completion

Let us help you

Follow these simple steps and let us help you in your Go Solar Journey.

Contact Us

Tel: 021 4289340

Email: info@cleanenergysolar.ie


Clean Energy Solar will get a little basic information on your home and electricity needs and compile guided pricing for you. We use online maps to check your roof space and orientation. From this we use software to design the proposed system layout.

Pricing will/can include the below features

  • Remote Monitoring App so you can see the performance of the system after installation.
  • Other options include Power Diverter which directs all excess energy to the immersion heater for homes with Immersion.
  • The size of the system proposed and customer usage will guide us on the suitability for Battery storage.

* All pricing is subject to confirmation after site assessment.

Site Visit

If you are happy to proceed, we schedule a Free, No-Obligation Site Visit.

During this visit (with one of our qualified Electricians), you can discuss in detail how the system will work in your house.

We check that the proposed system is the right size to provide you with the best system for your needs and budget.

We will also confirm the best locations for equipment and explain how to best use your new investment.

Final Pricing

We provide updated pricing, as per any tweaks identified on the site visit.

Go Ahead

If you are happy to proceed with the Solar PV works we provide you with a step by step guide to the installation and if applicable, SEAI grant application information.

Note: As per SEAI requirements you will need to organise a BER Cert after the Solar PV works are complete.

NC6 & Grant Application (if applicable)

Clean Energy Solar update ESB networks with details of your new Solar PV system. SEAI Grant Customers: Customer opens SEAI Home Electricity grant. We provide a ‘how to’ guide for customers.


1st fix – Panels are installed on the roof – Usually takes 1 day

2nd fix – Electrical works to connect up panels to the electricity supply in the home – Usually takes 1 day.


Invoice is issued. Payment in full on completion


Clean Energy Solar provide Handover information including equipment documentation – warranty and User Manuals and safety information.

Grant Completion (if applicable)

Customer organises Post-Works BER Cert as per SEAI requirement. List of registered BER Assessors available on SEAI website. 

Clean Energy Solar will provide a “Post-Works” visit to ensure all the equipment is performing correctly and the homeowner is fully informed on the system. Clean Energy Solar upload all paperwork to the SEAI Portal. Payment processed directly to the customer by SEAI.

An installation may be selected for Inspection by SEAI. This is usually prior to payment but can also happen after the Grant has been paid. Customers should liaise with Clean Energy Solar to ensure best outcome from this inspection.